Workflows inputs ignoring allow_invalid=true (similar to PRB564232)DescriptionChange the input variable to not be mandatory, you will still see the error message when using the workflow as a subflow but the form submission will be accepted and the flows will execute as expected.Steps to Reproduce 1.1. Create a workflow named "One" 1.2. Define an input of type 'reference'. Must be marked mandatory. 1.3. After saving the input definition, verify attribute allow_invalid=true 1.4. Publish workflow "One" 2.1 Create another workflow 2.2 From the right hand, under the 'Workflows' list, select workflow "One" 2.3 In the dialog presented, try to enter the following in the reference field: ${workflow.scratchpad.whatever) 2.4 click 'Submit' 3.1 Double-click the new activity that represents the first subflow and see that the reference field is empty. The expected behavior is that the "${workflow.scratchpad.whatever}" value persists.WorkaroundCurrently there is no workaroundRelated Problem: PRB967271