In the UI16 history tab of the application navigator, entries display escaped quote characters as "\'"Description In the UI16 history tab of the application navigator, escaped quote characters "\'" are used to display entries. The issue occurs if the table name or record short description contain a single or double quote. For example, if you navigate to a table labeled "Incident's," the history entry appears as "Incident\'s." However, if you navigate to a list that contains an apostrophe in the filter conditions, such as "Short description starts with Can't," the history entry appears normal. Steps to Reproduce Navigate to Incident > Open.2. Open an incident that contains a single or double quote in the short description, such as "Can't access SFA software."3. In the application navigator, click the history tab.Note that the entry description is displayed with a "\", for example, "Can\'t access SFA software." Workaround This issue is under review. To receive notifications when more information is available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of the article. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In field to determine whether any versions have a permanent fix. Related Problem: PRB1020207