In a domain-separated instance, when deletion of sys_ui_sections are being captured and migrated through an update set, some extra sys_ui_section are deletedDescriptionWhen you need to clean up form sections (sys_ui_section) from a child domain and deletion of sys_ui_section are captured in the update set, migration of that update set removes some extra sys_ui_section from the global domain. This issue directly affects the form layout of the global domain.Steps to Reproduce To reproduce the issue, two instances are needed. Both instances should have domain separation enabled.Instance 1: 1. Select TOP/MSP domain2. Go to change_request form and configure form layout3. Remove some fields from main section4. Save the form layout.5. Select the TOP/MSP/MSP Technicians domain6. Go to the change_request form, right-click in the form header, and choose Configure Form Layout7. Remove more fields from main section8. Save the form layout.9. Select the TOP/MSP domain.10. Go to sys_ui_form.list and export the XML of all records that meet the following filter: table = change_request, view=Default view, and domain is not global.11. Go to sys_ui_form_section.list and export the XML of all records that meet the same filter: table = change_request, view=Default view, and domain is not global.12. Go to sys_ui_section.list and export the XML of all records that meet the same filter: table = change_request, view=Default view, and domain is not global.13. Create a new update set called "Update Set Delete Sections" and make it current.14. Delete all the records that you exported.15. Complete the update set and export it as XML.Instance 2:16. Import all the XML files from steps 10, 11, and 12 for Instance 1.17. Go to the retrieved update sets and import the XML exported in step 15 for Instance 1.18. Preview the update set. (Don't commit yet.)19. Take a count of the records in sys_ui_section table that meet the following filter: table=change_request, view=Default, and domain IS global.20. Commit the update set.21. Take a count of the records in sys_ui_section table that meet the following filter: table=change_request, view=Default, and domain IS global.Note that the count from step 21 is lower than the count from step 19 although it should be the same.WorkaroundThis issue is under review. To receive notifications when more information is available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of the article. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In or Intended Fix Version fields to determine whether any versions have a planned or permanent fix. Related Problem: PRB1185049