"Toggle Domain Scope" is failing on hierarchical listsDescription The Toggle Domain Scope UI action is failing on hierarchical lists. Steps to Reproduce Navigate to System Definition > Plugins and install the Domain Support - Domain Extensions plugin (ID com.glide.domain.msp_extensions.installer).Log in as an admin (global domain as session domain).Add the Domain field on the User form. Check Managed Domain and change the domain to ACME.Change the domain of Joe Employee to ACME.Remove the Company field on the Incident form to avoid confusion.Create six incidents with Joe Employee as the Caller, so that they get created in the ACME domain.Add the Domain field on the List view of incidents to ensure the six incidents in the previous step are in the ACME domain.Open any existing Task SLAs and update three records with one of the above incidents. Add the Domain column to these Task SLAs and change the domain to ACME. Go to one of the incidents you created in step 6.Right-click the form header and go to Configure > Related ListsIn the slushbucket, add Incidents by Same Caller. Ensure it has Task SLA > Task as the first Related List and Incidents by Same Caller as the second Related List.Navigate to the incident created in Step 8. Right-click the Incident by Same Caller Related List, go to List control, and check the Hierarchical List box. Expand an Incident Hierarchical list on the incident from Step 8 to view a list of Task SLAs.Invoke Toggle Domain Scope and try to expand the incident to see Task SLA records again.You may not see the list of records. Click Toggle Domain Scope again and notice the same error.Open Chrome Dev Tools to see Javascript errors. Screenshots for Geneva and Helsinki are attached. Workaround This issue is under review. To receive notifications when more information is available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of the article. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In field to determine whether any versions have a permanent fix. Related Problem: PRB667084