Order Guide cascading variables indicate tab of Catalog Item as mandatoryDescription Cascading variables in the Order Guide indicates the tab of Catalog Item as mandatory even though it is filled out. Steps to Reproduce Log in to a base system on any instance.Create an Order Guide with one variable, snc_demo, and set the Cascade Variable Option to True.2. Create two catalog items (Item1 and Item2), with Item2 having the variable snc_demo.3. Set the variable snc_demo in Item2 as mandatory.4. Try the Order Guide and click on Choose Options. Notice two catalog items open. However, Item2 is marked as mandatory. 5. Click on Item2 and notice the mandatory field is actually filled with your previous input due to cascading. 6. Click back to Item 1 and notice the mandatory indicator for Item2 has disappeared. Workaround This is expected behavior. Until a tab stays open, all mandatory variables must be regarded as such because, regardless of any cascading, there is no way to know for sure whether a field will or will not be mandatory. This could be dependent on UI Policy and/or Client Scripts, and is impossible to know ahead of rendering the tabs.If you do not want a mandatory field to be evaluated when rendering item tabs in an order guide, then change the value for "ignore mandatory evaluation" in the order guide rule base records (sc_cat_item_guide_items table). Related Problem: PRB607831