On UI16, invalid HTML code added with [code] element to journal fields entries appears blank and produces error messageDescriptionInvalid HTML code added with the [code] element to journal fields (sys_journal_field, sys_history_line) produce entries the display as blank and produce the Angular error Error: [$sanitize:badparse].Steps to Reproduce On UI16+, navigate to Incident > Open and select an incident. Add invalid HTML text using [code] ... [/code] tags to a Work notes field. For example, copy the following text and click Update. [code]<p align="center"style="">Tag attributes have no space between them</p>[/code] Note – Do not include a space between "center" and "style." Note that a blank comment or Work note is added and the JavaScript console displays the following message: Error: [$sanitize:badparse] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.4.8/$sanitize/badparse?p0=%3Cp%20align%3D%22center%22style%3D%22%22%3ETag%20attributes%20have%20no%20space%3C/p%3E WorkaroundEnsure that the HTML tags that are added using [code]... [/code] are valid on journal fields Several workarounds are available: Instead of using the [code] tag, use the text version or strip the text from the HTML instead. Switch to UI15. Make the code tag visible by setting the glide.ui.security.allow_codetag system property to false. Create scripts to fix the malformed HTML, for example, using regular expressions. The following example applies to the test case: --background script -----gs.print(addspacesmissingonhtmltags( '<a href="https://www.google.com"target="hello"stuff="things" omg="wow">stuff " and things" </a>'));function addspacesmissingonhtmltags(a) { return a.replace(/(\B"\w+[^"]*")/g, "$& ")};--background script ----- Result: [0:00:00.004] Script completed in scope global: script*** Script: <a href="https://www.google.com" target="hello" stuff="things" omg="wow" >stuff " and things" </a> Related Problem: PRB660886