How to increase debug logging for the Edge Encryption proxyIssue There are currently three options for increasing debug logging on the Edge Encryption Proxy. You might want to increase the level of logging to debug issues with the proxy and interpret the logs yourself, or you might want to have technical support look into the issue with the benefit of more verbose log statements. Depending on the issue being debugged, set up debug logging in one of three ways: Debugging issues with SSL connectivity between the Edge Encryption Proxy and the instanceDebugging issues other than SSL connectivityLogging timing metrics for requests through the proxy For all debug cases, you may view and interpret the logs on your own or open an incident to get an interpretation from ServiceNow technical support providing the description of the issue and how it is reproduced. Note: instructions use current log4j v2 configuration. If your proxy is on an older version (pre-Paris) and does not have a $proxy_installation_location/conf/ file use the older, log4j v1, instructions at the end of the KB Debugging issues with SSL connectivity between the Edge Encryption Proxy and the instance Use this method if you want to debug issues with SSL connectivity between the Edge Encryption Proxy and the instance (for example, you go to the URL of the proxy but access to the instance fails via the proxy). These steps increase logging and help find the verbose log statements. Stop the proxy.Add the following line to the file $proxy_installation_location/conf/wrapper.conf, which is a Java startup property:<next available number in sequence> = For example: = Save the change and restart the proxy.Reproduce the issue.Debug log statements related to the SSL exchange can be found in the $proxy_installation_location/logs/wrapper_<current date>.log file.When debugging is complete, stop the proxy and edit the file $proxy_installation_location/conf/wrapper.conf again, removing or commenting out (adding a # at the beginning of the line) the following line:<next available number in sequence> = Save the change and restart the proxy. Debugging issues with the Edge Encryption application other than SSL-related issues Use this method if you want to debug issues with the Edge Encryption application aside from SSL-related issues. These steps increase logging and help find the verbose log statements. In the $proxy_installation_location/conf/ file, change the setting of the log from info to debug.Change this: logger.edge.level=infoto this:logger.edge.level=debug Save the change, the new logging level should be taken up automatically after about 60 seconds, no need to restart the proxyReproduce the issue.Check for debug log statements related to the application in the $proxy_installation_location/logs/edgeencryption.log file.When debugging is complete, restore the original log setting.Change from: logger.edge.level=debugback to:logger.edge.level=info Save the change, the new logging level should be taken up automatically after about 60 seconds, no need to restart the proxy Logging timing metrics for requests through the proxy Enabling timing metric logging will add a metric statement for each request handled by the edge proxy. Each of these timing metric log statements has useful information about the request, such as processing times and which encryption rule was used. Note: The additional logging settings are added to the $proxy_installation_location/conf/ file. Changes made are taken up by the proxy dynamically within about a minute after the changes to the file are made, so you do not have to restart the proxies. Modify the $proxy_installation_location/conf/ file by adding the following lines at the end of the file:$${date:yyyy-MM}/edgenetwork-%d{yyyy-MM-dd-HH}-%i.log.gzappender.timinglog.layout.type=PatternLayoutappender.timinglog.layout.pattern=%d [%t] %-5p After the file is saved, the following types of messages will be in the $proxy_installation_location/logs/edgenetwork.log log file for network times: 2022-07-21 12:56:15,783 [qtp1971991758-7700] DEBUG com.snc.edgeencryption.metrics.EdgeEncryptionTimingMetricCache - request_uri=/api/now/ui/presencesysparm_auto_request=true&cd=1658433375754 request_method=POST client_request_received="2022-07-21 12:56:15,015" proxy_request_processing_time=6 all_rules_processing_time=0 rule_executed="REST JSON" rule_execution_time=1 proxy_instance_round_trip=14 proxy_response_processing_time=1 total_time_from_proxy=21 reponse_code=201 glide_user=SCv3_1:BAz1ZK7ee9XoroG2nvMlixHpgTvsT4fY2bwQvnH2WdU=:y5HGsTTqo3Pjq6G0xk4LoazCwCiWRJk4/6SpbXuBzqg=:6816f79cc0a8016401c5a33be04be441 jsessionid_suffix=037A66 The values in the log messages are as follows: request_uri: The URI being requestedrequest_method: The HTTP method being used, for example, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETEclient_request_received: The timestamp noting when the HTTP client request arrived at the Edge proxyproxy_request_processing_time: How long the Edge proxy took to process the request in millisecondsall_rules_processing_time: Total time it took to execute all of the Edge Encryption rules for the request in millisecondsrule_executed: The name of the encryption rule that was executedrule_execution_time: How long it took to execute listed rule_executed in millisecondsproxy_instance_round_trip: The time from when the Edge proxy sent the request to the instance until the instance sent the response and was received by the edge proxy in millisecondsproxy_response_processing_time: How long the Edge proxy took to process the response in millisecondstotal_time_from_proxy: The total time from when the Edge proxy received the request from the client and returned the response to the client in millisecondsresponse_code: HTTP response code glide_user: The glide_user cookie valuejsessionid_suffix: The JSession cookie suffix associated with the request Logging for the Jetty Application Server Jetty is the application server that hosts the Edge Encryption application. Turning on this logger can give valuable information about the Jetty/Edge Encryption interactions. Additional logging has been introduced to the Edge Proxies. The additional logging settings are added to the $proxy_installation_location/conf/ file. Changes made are taken up by the proxy dynamically within about a minute after the changes to the file are made, so you do not have to restart the proxies. Modify the $proxy_installation_location/conf/ file by adding the following lines it is recommended that this logger be kept on for a short a period as possible to collect the needed data as it creates a lot of logging. Check for jetty debug log statements in the $proxy_installation_location/logs/jetty.log fileTo revert the jetty logging to normal, you can either remove the 2 lines that were added (will require a proxy restart) or change the logging level back to warn using this line: logger.jetty.level=warn Changing logging configuration for older releases that are still on log4j v1 All changes for log4j v1 are done in the $proxy_installation_location/conf/ file Changing edge encryption logging to debug level Edge encryption log level is controlled by this line The default log level is info. you can change it to debug to get additional debug logging messages Enabling Timing Metric Logging Add these lines to enable timing metric logging: log4j.appender.TimingLog=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppenderlog4j.appender.TimingLog.File=../logs/edgenetwork.loglog4j.appender.TimingLog.MaxFileSize=500MBlog4j.appender.TimingLog.MaxBackupIndex=4log4j.appender.TimingLog.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayoutlog4j.appender.TimingLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %m%n Change jetty logging to debug level, FileLog