User results in Connect's "Add Member to Group" sidebar are limited to 50, causing issues on instances with high user countsDescription Within a group chat in Connect, you can use the "Member List" sidebar to add additional members to the group. When adding additional members, you are presented with a search box and as you type, users who match that term will be shown below the search box. A limit of 50 results is set on this list of users.On instances with a large user count (e.g. 500,000+ users) there is a high likelihood of many users matching that search term. For example, you might have 100 users who have the name "John Smith". If the user you wanted to add to the group chat was the John Smith #96, there would be no way to add him to the conversation as you would only ever be able to see the John Smiths between #1 and #50. Steps to Reproduce Prerequisites: An Istanbul instance with demo dataThe Connect plugin installed (com.glide.connect)Google Chrome Steps: Log in to the instance as an administrator.Navigate to /$ on the instance.Start a new group chat by adding 2 or more users to a new conversation (e.g. Fred Luddy + Abel Tuter).Open the Member List sidebar.Click Add Member to Group.Type in Beth.Right-click on Beth's name in the result list, and choose Inspect.Scroll up the DOM until you see the below element:<div class="sn-live-search-flex ng-isolate-scope" limit="50" placeholder="Search Users" type="user" ignore-blur="true" on-select="addMember(id)"> Expected behavior: There should be no limit, or if there has to be a limit then some pagination/infinite scrolling should be implemented to allow you to access more results. Actual behavior: There is a limit of 50 results returned.If you have more than 50 users with identical/similar names, it may not be possible to refine your search terms anymore (e.g. how would you refine a search for "John Smith" if there are 100 John Smiths on your instance?) Workaround This issue is under review. If you are able to upgrade, check the Fixed In field below to determine the versions that have a permanent fix. You can also subscribe to this known error article (click the Subscribe button at the top of the article) to receive notifications when more information is available about this issue. Related Problem: PRB741331