Demand Application Stage and State issue when upgradingDescriptionThe issue occurs if:- custom choice "XYZ" is added to the dmn_demand table with value 10 for the State field- the instance is upgraded to Geneva patch 6 All records with State = deferred (choice value = 6) are updated to custom state "XYZ"Steps to Reproduce Log in to an instance with any version of the Fuji release installed. Navigate to System Definition > Plugins. Activate the Demand Management plugin. Navigate to System Definition > Dictionary. Open the record for Table = Task and Column name = state. In Related lists find the Choices section or tab. Filter the list for the dmn_demand table. Click New: Table = Demand [dmn_demand] Label = Testing Value = 10 Click Submit. Upgrade the instance to Geneva patch 6. After the upgrade is complete, check the choices for dmn_demand.state.Note that the choices are the same as they were prior to upgrade, but all of the demand records with state of Deferred are now in state of Testing. WorkaroundThe demand management base system application uses following state values: 1, 2, 3, -4, 5, 10, 7, 8, 9. If custom states are added for the Demand State column, values other than those listed above should be used. Note that -4 and 10 are new choices introduced in Geneva. If you are already using -4 and 10 and upgrade to Geneva, change them to new state values.Related Problem: PRB681184