MID Server properties used by Service MappingIssue table.internalTable{ border:1px solid; border-color:#e0e0e0; background-color: #fff; width: 100%; border-spacing:0; } .sp td{ border-bottom: 1px solid; border-right: 1px solid; border-color:#e0e0e0; background-color: #fff; height: 20px; padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .5em; padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em; word-wrap: break-word; } .sphr td{ border-right: 1px solid; border-bottom: 1px solid; border-color:#e0e0e0; padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .5em; padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em; height: 20px; } Attention: For the most updated information about this topic, visit our Product Documentation. This article is relevant for Istanbul and later versions. Service Mapping uses the MID Server parameters during discovery and mapping. Do not change default values for these parameters unless you are troubleshooting the discovery process. SSH-related properties NameDescriptionDefault valuemid.sa.ssh.pathA location at the target system where the MID Server checks for commands to execute. /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin mid.sa.ssh.truncate_last_line_regex A regular expression of line that the MID Server removes from the end of the SSH command response. Command.*performed by.* mid.sa.ssh.remove_first_line_regex A regular expression of line that the MID Server removes from the start of every SSH command response. None mid.sa.ssh.privileged_command_message A prompt the MID Server sends with commands with sudo-level privileges. For example, a sudo-level command is sent with “Password:”. None mid.sa.ssh.restricted_shell_regex A regular expression text included in the opening message of a restricted shell. Using a restricted shell, the SSH provider does not run some commands during the session initialization. restricted shell mid.sa.ssh.terminal_cols The number of columns in the terminal windows opened with the SSH session. 300 mid.sa.ssh.terminal_rows The number of rows in the terminal windows opened with the SSH session. 800 mid.sa.ssh.time_between_change_shell_and_prompt The time to wait between changing a shell during initialization and the time the shell prompt appears (in milliseconds). 1000 mid.sa.ssh.connect_timeout The SSH initial connection timeout (in milliseconds). 2000 mid.sa.ssh.max_chars_single_response The maximum number of characters allowed in a single SSH command response. 10000000 mid.sa.ssh.break_session_chars The ASCII value of character used to break a session. 7 mid.sa.ssh.no_change_shell_regex The regular expression of text within command response after sending ‘su’ in order to change to superuser. If the regular expression matches, the MID Server does not change the shell. pfsh mid.sa.ssh.permission_denied_regex The regular expression of command responses which the MID Server recognizes as an access problem and generates an appropriate message. permission denied mid.sa.ssh.more_line_command_regex When the SSH response exceeds the terminal size, the system sends ‘more’ line which matches the regular expression. When the MID Server recognizes the ‘more’ line, it sends the space character. This is relevant for proprietary systems sending a non-standard ‘more’ prompt. None mid.sa.ssh.become_superuser_command An SSH command for turning into a superuser. su mid.sa.ssh.prompt_changing_command_regex SSH commands that change the shell prompt. When the command the MID Server sends matches the regular expression, the MID Server knows to expect a change in the server prompt. changeto\\s+[^\\s]+ mid.sa.ssh.ignore_errors_on_commands_regex A regular expression for the command on which the MID Server ignores permission errors. stat.*|istat.*|perl.* mid.sa.ssh.prompt_last_char_regex A regular expression of the last character in the default prompt of the server. [$#>\\]\\:] mid.sa.ssh.timeout The SSH command timeout (in milliseconds). 60000 mid.sa.ssh.port The SSH port number. To add more than one port, separate port numbers with a comma. For example, 22,33,44. 22 mid.sa.ssh.connect.retry The SSH connection retry count. 1 mid.sa.ssh.additional_setup The command the MID Server sends after it creates the SSH session. None mid.sa.ssh.expect_after_su A regular expression of the last character in the prompt after sending ‘su’. [:$#>\\]] mid.sa.ssh.prompt A string representing the non-standard SSH prompt. The MID Server uses this string when parsing results of SSH CLI commands. SERVNOW> mid.sa.ssh.privileged_command_last_char A character indicating the last expected character in a command result String. Once this character is found in the result, the MID Server does not wait for additional output. NONE mid.sa.ssh.proprietary_system_trial_count Number of additional waiting periods on proprietary non-UNIX/Linux systems. The MID Server waits for a response after the initial waiting period of 5 seconds. After the initial 5 seconds, the MID Server waits for the response the number of times as defined by this parameter. The additional waiting time starts from 1 second and increases by 1 sec for every iteration. 10 mid.sa.ssh.restart_after_unstopped_threads The number of allowed unstopped threads before the MID is restarted, when it attempts to close the SSH session. 50 mid.sa.ssh.stty_command The stty command for configuring appropriate settings. The MID Server runs this command when initializing the SSH terminal. NONE mid.sa.ssh.inocrrect_password_regex The expected string which the SSH terminal returns when the MID Server uses an incorrect password during the login process. Sorry, try again|incorrect password attempt mid.sa.ssh.max_unstopped_threads Same as the mid.sa.ssh.restart_after_unstopped_threads parameter. 50 mid.sa.ssh.idle_after_sudo The period of time (in milliseconds) that the MID Server waits after sending a sudo command and expects to have no activity on the line. WMI-related properties NameDescriptionDefault Values mid.servicewatch.wmi.host The Host/IP of the server running the ServiceNow WMI collector. localhost mid.servicewatch.wmi.port The port on which the ServiceNow WMI collector service listens to requests from the MID server. 8585 mid.sa.wmi.timeout The timeout on command execution in milliseconds. 60000 mid.sa.wmi.max_bytes_in_response The maximum number of characters allowed in a response. 20971520 mid.servicewatch.wmi.get_file_on_shared_drive_from_collector The MID Server attempts to access the requested file on a shared drive directly from the MID Server. true mid.sa.wmi.access_denied_regex The regular expression of error messages returned by the server that the MID Server considers as an access problem and triggers trying other credentials. Access is denied|Access denied|service installation failed|User credentials cannot be used for local connections|System error 1312|generic failure|Insufficient privilege|user rights|HRESULT: 0x800706BA mid.sa.wmi.send_retry_count The number of attempts to communicate with the ServiceNow WMI Collector service on each request. 1 mid.servicewatch.wmi.mui The MID Server supports MUI (Multilingual UI) configuration. false mid.powershell_api.winrm.remote_port Set the port used by WinRM to connect to remote hosts. 5985 mid.windows.management_protocol The management protocol the MID Server uses to connect to Windows servers. Allowed values are WMI and WinRM. WMI mid.servicewatch.wmi.protocol Communication protocol between the MID server and the WMI collector. Allowed values: http/https. http mid.sa.use_powershell Allows using PowerShell for executing commands on Windows servers. false mid.sa.prefer_powershell Makes PowerShell the preferred method of executing commands on Windows servers. Important: If you set this parameter to true, you must also set the mid.sa.use_powershell parameter to true. false mid.sa.exec_powershell_using_probe Use a PowerShell probe to execute commands instead of running a Powershell script on the target host. false SNMP-related properties NameDescriptionDefault value mid.snmp.request.timeout The time (in milliseconds) the MID Server waits for a response for each OID request. 1500 mid.sa.snmp.port The SNMP port. 161 mid.sa.snmp.retry The SNMP retry count. 1 mid.sa.snmp.table_size_limit Maximum table size to bring in the SNMP table requests. 20000 mid.sa.snmp.table_walk_limit Maximum requests in the SNMP walk session. 10000 mid.sa.snmp.get_table_timeout_sec Maximum time (in seconds) allowed for load of a whole SNMP table. 600 mid.sa.snmp.walk_timeout_sec Maximum time (in seconds) allowed for the SNMP walk session. 600 mid.sa.snmp.discover_engine Discovery authoritative engine ID on SNMP V3 sessions. true mid.sa.snmp.snmp_v2_disabled Disable usage of SNMP version 2 false mid.sa.snmp.failed_status_oid OID indicating the Failed status. If an SNMP result starts with this OID, the MID Server considers it a failure. Note: WMI Collector is deprecated in New York patch 10 and later. See the KB0791835 WMI Collector deprecation details for more information.