Time zone representation (all releases)Issue Time zones Time zones that have the Country/City format are primary time zone IDs. Other time zone IDs are links to the primary time zone. For example, US/Pacific is a link to the America/Los_Angeles time zone. Both America/Los_Angeles and US/Pacific represent Pacific Standard Time with the same zone offset and Daylight Savings Time (DST) schedule. Other than the representation, there is no impact on date and time functionality.FactsAll times are stored in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and appear globally based on the system time zone. However, times appear to users in their local time zone, according to their user preference settings. Learn more about Time Zones RepresentationsRelease All ReleasesResolutionIn the absence of a default time zone for the user or the system, the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) reads default time zone information from the machine and depending on how the machine is configured, it might return US/Pacific or America/Los_Angeles. ServiceNow recommends that admins configure their system with a default timezone using the glide.sys.default.tz property to avoid system dependencies.Related LinksDocumentation: Set a system time zoneKB0785168 - The time zone for all users on the instance is displaying US/Pacific Other Resources: List of tz database time zones [Wikipedia]Native Time Zone Information and the JRE [Java SE 8 docs - Oracle]TimeZone.getDefault() [Java 8 API docs]