Typos in short description of the GRC UI Policy "Change visiblity on text and wiki when Acticle type is Wiki"Description There are multiple typos in the short description of the UI Policy named "Change visiblity on text and wiki when Acticle type is Wiki," with Sys ID b12ec5809f4221002920f7f8677fcf7d:1) "visiblity" should be changed to "visibility"2) "Acticle" should be changed to "Article"3) "on" should be changed to "of"4) The policy condition is 'Article type -- is -- HTML', thus the last word of the short description should be changed from "Wiki" to "HTML"It's easy to fix this manually; however, it should be corrected for new installations. Steps to Reproduce Pre-requisite: A Geneva instance with the Governance, Risk, and Compliance plugin (com.snc.governance) activated with demo data. Steps: Open this record on the instance: /sys_ui_policy.do?sys_id=b12ec5809f4221002920f7f8677fcf7d Expected behavior: Short description is "Change visibility of text and wiki when Article type is HTML" Actual behavior: Short description is "Change visiblity on text and wiki when Acticle type is Wiki" Workaround Open this record on the instance: /sys_ui_policy.do?sys_id=b12ec5809f4221002920f7f8677fcf7d Right-click the form header and choose Configure > Form Layout. Add the Replace on upgrade field to the form and click Save. Set the Short description field to "Change visibility of text and wiki when Article type is HTML". To ensure that future updates to this UI Policy are received, check the Replace on upgrade box. Click Update. Related Problem: PRB671398