How to Investigate User Account Activity DescriptionAt any time there is a need to review specific user behavior, below are the recommended steps on how to review the transaction logs and event logs: Locate the IP address of successful/failed login for a particular ServiceNow user for their instanceModify the time frame of the searchLimiting the scope of the search by user nameSuccessful/Failed login attempts Procedure Locate User Activity Process Steps Log in to the instance as an adminIdentify Transaction Logs Transaction logs by default are kept for over 49 days unless the instance admin has adjusted the table rotations for [syslog_transaction] table. Navigate to System Logs > Transactions https://<instance_name> filter to narrow down logs for investigative purposes Required timeframe: The filter is "Created"Username: The filter set as "Created by" with the option of "starts with" either/or "contains" Narrow the log date range From this list view we can then adjust the filter as below: Created on – Adjust do any date or timeframe the customer needsCreated by – Adjust to the affected username Identify the IP address of the user login: Click on the cogwheel in the upper left corner of the table to open the Personalized list column. To view the IP address of the logged-in user you can add the IP address column to the list view via the Personalize List columns module. Identify Successful/Failed Login Attempts Note that this is only for local accounts. Log in to the instance as an adminNavigate to System Logs > Eventshttps://<instance_name> filter as follows:From this list view we can then adjust the filter as below: Created on – Adjust do any date or timeframe the customer needsCreated by – Adjust to the affected username