In Visual Dispatch, a data policy exception is thrown when a task is assigned or re-assigned to an agent that is part of two groupsDescription Visual dispatch is a drag-and-drop feature that dispatchers using Work Management (renamed as Field Service Automation in Fuji) can use to assign tasks. If a dispatcher tries to assign a task to an agent that belongs to two different groups, a data policy exception is thrown. Steps to Reproduce Install the Field Service Automation and Field Service Automation demo data plugins. Impersonate a user that is a Dispatcher. Navigate to Field Service > Dispatching > My Dispatch Queue. Select a work order task with a State of Pending Dispatch. Click Visual Dispatch (only a dispatcher can see this UI action). A new window opens. in the top half, all agents are listed, divided by groups - tasks on the right side are assigned to the agents on the left in the bottom half, all unassigned tasks are listed Identify a user that is in two or more groups. Select a task, assigned or not, and drag and drop the task on the name of the agent you identified in step 6.Note the Data Policy Exception: Assignment group is mandatory.Because the agent is in two groups, the task is not assigned to the agent. Workaround There is no known workaround for this issue. The problem should be fixed in a future release. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In field below to determine the versions that have a permanent fix. You can also subscribe to this known error article (click Subscribe button at the top of the article) to receive notifications when more information is available about this issue. Related Problem: PRB623738