The pop-up header message 'Showing records related to' is not translatedDescriptionWhen using a language other than English, the header message 'Showing records related to' is hardcoded in the user_show_incidents UI Macro and is not translated.Steps to Reproduce Log in to an instance using the base sytem Fuji release. Activate a language internationalization plugin (for example, French). Installation may take several minutes to complete. Change the language to French. Navigate to any incident form and verify that all labels and hover-over tips are translated in French. Click the related incidents reference icon button.Note that the pop-up window still shows the header message in English. WorkaroundReplace the header message hard-coded in the invoked UI Macro user_show_incidents (sys_id=6020e170d73031008d7dc23c5e61031b), with a more generic and usable text like 'rel.' (as shown in the attached XML file). Related Problem: PRB661058