Adding multiple iFrames to a CMS page causes the pages scroll bar to explode causing unwanted white spaceDescriptionAdding multiple iFrames to a CMS page makes the scroll bar expand and causes a lot of white space, and makes the IFrames disappear.Steps to Reproduce Log in to Fuji instance. Navigate to Content Management > Pages. Select New to create a new content page with suffix of test_page and associate to the base system Employee Self-Service (ESS) site. Start adding iFrames (~5) to the page. Launch the CMS page (for example, https:<instance> Note that the scroll bar is huge and there is a lot of white space. Workaround Go to the affected iFrame block and update the sizing from Size to fit content to Fixed size Edit the render_content_block_iframe UI Macro from height=100% to height=auto. Following is an example workaround used in Geneva. Back up the base system version of the UI Macro named render_content_block_iframe. Replace the XML code with the following:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><j:jelly trim="false" xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:g="glide" xmlns:j2="null" xmlns:g2="null"><g:evaluate var="jvar_frame_url">var current_url = new GlideURL(current.url);current_url.set("sysparm_nameofstack", GlideGuid.generate(null));current_url.set("sysparm_clear_stack", "yes");var url = current_url.toString();url;</g:evaluate><j:if test="${current.sizing != 'expand'}"><iframe class="content_embedded" frameborder="0" style="height:${current.height}px;width:${current.width}px" src="${jvar_frame_url}" name="${current.frame_name}"/></j:if><j:if test="${current.sizing == 'expand'}"><g:set_if test="${current.frame_name.nil()}" var="jvar_frame_name" true="${current.sys_id}" false="${current.frame_name}" /><iframe width="100%" height="1200" name="${jvar_frame_name}" id="${jvar_frame_name}" frameborder="0" border="0" allowtransparency="true" src="${jvar_frame_url}" scrolling="yes"/><!-- <script>(function() {CustomEvent.observe('content_frame.resized', contentFrameResized);CustomEvent.observe('content_frame.loaded', contentFrameResized);var isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1;function contentFrameResized(name, height) {if (!name)return;var f = $(name);if (!f)return;// avoid using an AND hereif (!isFirefox || height == 10)_resize(f, height);else {// delay resize for firefoxsetTimeout(function() {_resize(f, height);}, 0);}}function _resize(f, height) {f.height = height;}$('${jvar_frame_name}').on('load', function() {window.scrollTo(0, 0);});})();</script> --></j:if></j:jelly> Related Problem: PRB633783