Disabling the Mobile UIIssue The Mobile UI plugin cannot be uninstalled, there are some options available to block access to these interfaces.CauseOn occasions, there may be a need to prevent access to the Mobile UI on an instanceResolutionThe following system properties determine which devices are directed to the Mobile or Tablet UI. These work by checking the user agent string of the browser that accesses an instance. If the User-Agent String contains a keyword that is found in the property’s value, the browser is directed to the indicated UI. Here is some info on these properties. glide.ui.m_agentsThis property controls which browser is directed to the Mobile UI. iphone,android_phone,IEMobile,Windows Phone,iPod,Windows CE,BlackBerry,BB10glide.ui.mobile_agentsThis property was used for the legacy Mobile UI. It serves the same purpose as glide.ui.m_agents, but have no effect on access to the current Mobile UI.iPod,Windows CE,BlackBerry,Android,Opera Mini,IEMobile,Windows Phone,iphoneglide.ui.tablet_agentsThis serves the same purpose as glide.ui.m_agents but instead controls access to the Tablet UI. ipad,android_tablet Sample User Agent String: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_9_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12D508 Safari/600.1.4 Above is an example User-Agent String from an iPhone 5. This string contains the text “iPhone”, which matches one of the comma-separated values in the property. A user with this user agent string is directed to the current Mobile UI. Note that modifying these properties only changes the rules for redirection. A user on any device can still access the mobile UI by using $m.do or get to the desktop by using ?sysparm_device=doctype. Clearing the values in these fields does not prevent access to the instance on mobile devices, but directs mobile device users to use the Desktop UI. To completely eliminate access to the Mobile or Tablet UI, you need to override the $m or $tablet pages. This can be done by creating a UI Page named $m or $tablet. Users who are directed to either the Mobile or Tablet UI is instead directed to these new pages. These new pages do not actually overwrite the mobile or tablet UI, so you can remove the created UI Page, and access to the mobile interfaces is immediately be restored.