Viewing Issues (Cases, Changes, Problems) on Now SupportIssue ServiceNow customers and partners can view information about their issues from the Now Support portal. Issues is comprised of Cases, problems, changes, and enhancement requests filed by users in the company. In addition, ServiceNow partners can view Cases for their company and the customers they manage. Note: Your options may vary depending on your Now Support account roles. Check with your ServiceNow Administrator if you are unable to access a feature. Viewing Issues on Now Support For Customers and Partners: Navigate to Now SupportOn the home page, you can view Recent case activities and Upcoming changes which are planned for recent time.To view all your issues at one single dashboard, click on "My Support" from top navigation. This dashboard lists Cases, Changes and Problems and default view will be set for logged in user (All cases, changes and problems pertaining to logged in user) with an option to switch to company record view.Click on View all to open the list view of records which can be used for: Searching a specific recordApply filtersSorting record from header in Ascending or Descending orderOr to export all the records in PDF/Excel/CSV format Clicking on a record number opens the record with all the details and activity stream to check the progress. This record also allow users to add any additional comment, respond back to any question by ServiceNow Support, add an attachment or adding updating individual on the watchlist For Partners managing customer company data (users with the partner role): Navigate to on user name and select Switch Company.This displays a list of companies that partner has the ability to manage.Select a company.This updates multiple pages of the portal to the customer company data including homepage widgets, Instance pages, Accounts, and Issues.