Hierarchical lists option is not working for multiple tables, including rm_enhancement, problem, and change_request Description The hierarchical lists option is not working for multiple tables, including rm_enhancement, problem, and change_request. When you click on the arrow to expand the hierarchical lists from the list of the records, it does not load. Login to a base system Instance. Navigate to Problem > Open. Right-click on the list header and select Configure > List Control. Select the Hierarchical Lists option. Click Submit. This should enable the arrow on the problem list to expand the related list records. In the Application Navigator, navigate to System UI > List Control. Right-click in a column header and select Personalize > List Layout. Add Related list to the Selected column and click Save. Now add a filter for table Problem. From the results, open one of the records for the related list on the problem table. Select the Omits columns if empty option. Click Update. Now repeat step 2 by expanding the arrow next to the problem record in the list.Notice that the related list does not load. The browser displays the following javascript error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of null js_includes_listv2.jsx?v=02-11-2014_1308&lp=Thu_Nov_06_01_59_02_PST_2014&c=7_165:46 Workaround Clearing the Omit columns if empty option on the affected list control records for the related lists resolves this issue. Related Problem: PRB614560