Catalog item search within CMS not functioning properlyDescription Catalog item search within CMS is not functioning. URL is not getting generated and page is redirected to /.do. Steps to Reproduce Edit CMS homepage. Add a dynamic content bloc. Edit the newly added content block. Select two phase. Copy the following content in the bloc<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><j:jelly trim="false" xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:g="glide" xmlns:j2="null" xmlns:g2="null"><g:inline template="com.glideapp.servicecatalog_category_search.xml" /></j:jelly> Open the CMS homepage (preview, not edit). Type anything in the search box.Page not found error appears instead of the results. Workaround Within Eureka: The CMS dynamic content block requires additional code to provide the same functionality as Dublin as shown in bold below: <j:set var="sysparm_catalog" value="e0d08b13c3330100c8b837659bba8fb4"/><j2:set var="sysparm_catalog" value="e0d08b13c3330100c8b837659bba8fb4"/><j:set var="sysparm_catalog_view" value="catalog_default"/><j2:set var="sysparm_catalog_view" value="catalog_default"/><j:set var="sysparm_view" value="catalog_default"/><j2:set var="sysparm_view" value="catalog_default"/><g:inline template="com.glideapp.servicecatalog_category_search.xml" /> Within Fuji: Replace the CMS dynamic content block inline template from: <g:inline template="com.glideapp.servicecatalog_category_search.xml" /> To the tag: <g:com.glideapp.servicecatalog_search type="searchField" catalog="e0d08b13c3330100c8b837659bba8fb4" /> Note that the catalog sys id may be hardcoded to a particular catalog, derived from a variable via a custom link, or omitted to search all catalogs. Catalog sys_ids can be viewed via Maintain Catalogs as shown in image below: Related Problem: PRB605683