gs.setRedirect() in combination with current.setAbortAction(true) not executed Description gs.setRedirect() in combination with current.setAbortAction(true) not executed. 1. Log in to base system instance.2. Navigate to Business rules > [User Deactivate].3. Update the business rule with this script:>>>gs.addInfoMessage(gs.getMessage('You cannot deactivate your own user record'));current.setAbortAction(true);var url = gs.generateURL(current.getTableName(), current.sys_id);url += '&sysparm_view='+'ess';gs.setRedirect(url);>>>4. Now impersonate user Fred Luddy.5. Navigate to the user records and filter the records for Fred Luddy.6. Uncheck Active field and click Update. Note that it does not redirect as per the above setRedirect URL. Workaround There is no workaround for this Known Error at this time. Related Problem: PRB604580