Troubleshooting common ODBC error messagesIssue This article guides you through the process of troubleshooting common ODBC error messages. It provides steps to help you eliminate common causes for your problem by verifying that the configuration of your networking is correct. Symptoms Symptoms may include the following: driver unable to connect to the URL configured for your instanceunable to connect to the URL due to a user authentication errorquery resulted in data sizes that exceed the Java maximum query timed out while processingclient application unable to load the driverdriver times out waiting for a responsedisk cache file size limit reachedtranslation of query exceeds the WHERE clause buffer limitResolutionDetermine whether any of the troubleshooting steps below are true for your environment. Each step provides a link to an article that helps you eliminate possible causes and take corrective action as necessary. If you receive an error message that your connection timed out, verify that the URL of your instance is correct. For more information, see KB0538955:Verifying that the URL of your instance is correct.If you receive an authorization required error message, verify that your credentials are correct. For more information, see KB0538975: Verifying that your credentials are correct.If you receive an error message that the batch data size limit is exceeded, check the batch size value. For more information, see KB0538976: Determining batch size value.If you receive an error message indicating that the maximum heap size should be increased, check the Java maximum heap size value. For more information, see KB0538978: Determining the Java maximum heap size.If you receive an error message that your query did not return in the expected amount of time, determine if the query needs to be refined. For more information, see KB0538981: Determining if your query needs to be refined.If you receive an error message that the connection failed to initialize, determine if the client application was unable to load the driver. For more information, see KB0538982: Determining if your client application was unable to load the driver.If you receive an error message that the driver timed out, determine if you need to reduce the value of the timeout. For more information, see KB0538984: Determining if you need to reduce the value of timeout settings.If you receive an error message that the disk cache file size limit has been reached, determine if you need to increase the value of the property. For more information, see KB0538985: Determining if you need to increase file size limit.Alternatively, determine if the value of a field exceeds the maximum length for that field. For more information, see KB0597334: Resolving disk cache error due to maximum field lengthIf you receive an error message that the query exceeds the WHERE clause limit, determine if the query size should be shortened. For more information, see KB0538986: Determining if the query size should be shortened.Determine if an upgrade is needed to fix ODBC query issues, based on the error message received. For more information, see KB0542680: Determining if an upgrade is needed for ODBC.Determine if missing ACLs are causing issues with ODBC queries. For more information, see KB0542655: Determining if missing ACLs are causing access issues with ODBC queries.If you receive an MSVCR100.dll error after upgrading to 1.0.11, determine if this file is missing from the classpath. For more information, see KB0597981: Resolving MSVCR100.dll error in the ODBC Driver.If you receive a database schema error on an instance prior to Geneva, determine if there is an invalid table or database view. For more information, see KB0598029: Invalid Table or Database View Causes Schema Error in ODBC Driver. For versions later than Geneva, or if your issue is not resolved, see KB0595630: Resolving ODBC Driver schema, table or column not found errors. Note: If your problem still exists after trying the steps in this article, submit an incident to Technical Support and note this Knowledge Base article ID (KB0538954) in the problem description. For more information, see Customer Support.