Determining if there are inconsistent domain issues (approver in the wrong domain)Issue <!-- div.margin{ padding: 10px 40px 40px 30px; } table.tocTable{ border: 1px solid; border-color:#E0E0E0; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); padding-top: .6em; padding-bottom: .6em; padding-left: .9em; padding-right: .6em; } table.noteTable{ border:1px solid; border-color:#E0E0E0; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); width: 100%; border-spacing:2; } table.internaltable { white-space:nowrap; text-align:left; border-width: 1px; border-collapse: collapse; font-size:14px; width: 85%; } table.internaltable th { border-width: 1px; padding: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); } table.internaltable td { border-width: 1px; padding: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: #E0E0E0; color: #000000; } .title { color: #D1232B; font-weight:normal; font-size:28px; } h1{ color: #D1232B; font-weight:normal; font-size:21px; margin-bottom:-5px } h2{ color: #646464; font-weight:bold; font-size:18px; } h3{ color: #000000; font-weight:BOLD; font-size:16px; text-decoration:underline; } h4{ color: #646464; font-weight:BOLD; font-size:15px; text-decoration:; } h5{ color: #000000; font-weight:BOLD; font-size:13px; text-decoration:; } h6{ color: #000000; font-weight:BOLD; font-size:14px; text-decoration:; } --> Troubleshooting approvers in the wrong domain in order to approve workflow steps Symptoms Approvals are stuckHung workflowWorkflow is not progressingWorkflow not progressing in domain separated environmentWorkflow hung on activityWorkflow does not generate a taskWorkflow does not generate approval Approvers and domains: pre-Eureka Prior to the Eureka release, it was nececessary to have all workflow versions in the global domain and all users that do approvals had to reside within the domain of their company. If a user inserted a record that initiated a workflow context and that workflow stopped on an approval, but the approval user(s) were not in the same domain, then they would not be able to approve the workflow and it could potentially get stuck. Be sure to follow the procedures outlined in the domain training for administrators carefully when configuring a user instance in a domain separated environment. It will help to avoid this and other pitfalls. The training covers these scenarios in detail and, if the prescribed setup steps are used, workflows will operate correctly. Approvers and domains: Eureka As of the Eureka release, it is possible to author or check-out and publish workflows into different domains, including child domains. Workflow contexts are always created in the domain of the user that inserted or updated the current record and they stay in that domain thoughout their lifecyle. They also continue to run as that same user when restarted. Users that are part of an approval within a workflow will have approval records created for them and they can progress the workflow by approving or rejecting these records. Users that can view workflow context records may not always have visiblity into the same domain as some or all of the approval users. When they check an approval activity in a running context, they may only see the approval user's sys_id and not their name; this is normal because the domains block the full detail of these users.