Back button fails after an exact match search resultDescriptionWhen trying to nagivate back, the instance does not navigate to any list or homepage because the navigation stack is cleared. This also occurs after an update operation in a single search result form. Steps to Reproduce Navigate to the ESS portal: https://[instance name] Conduct an exact match search for a record (for example, INC0000001).The record opens outside of the CMS content frame. Click on the green back button or the browser's back button.The instance remains on the selected record instead of going back to the CMS home page. WorkaroundThis is expected behavior in the Eureka release and later. Coming from a global search that resulted in only one record, the navigation stack is empty and a previous page is not available. If the search results in a list of records (after drilling down one record and updating), the instance navigates back to the output list. In order to override this, a custom redirect code must be added after the update operation in the wanted UI action. Related Problem: PRB600395