Troubleshooting inbound email action issuesDescriptionThis article guides you through the process of troubleshooting inbound email action issues. It provides steps to help you eliminate common causes of your problem by verifying that the configuration of your networking is correct. Symptoms Symptoms may include the following: Record not updatedRecord not createdMail not processedWrong inbound action triggeredInbound email did not create the expected incident ticketInbound email creates duplicate ticketsProblems with inbound email actionEmail not checking for a watermarkThe wrong record is not updatedInbound email assigns caller to the wrong personWrong content assigned to recordForward inbound action not working as expectedForwarded mail unexpectedly creates a new incidentResolutionDetermine whether any of the troubleshooting steps below are true for your environment. Each step provides a link to an article that will help you eliminate possible causes and take corrective action as necessary. Review our overview on inbound email troubleshooting or confirm that email is working. For more information, see: KB0524472: Inbound Email: Troubleshooting.KB0523577: Validating whether an inbound email action is performed. Ensure that the correct inbound conditions are set (case sensitivity). For more information, see: KB0535584: Ensuring that Inbound Email actions always work, regardless of case sensitivityKB0535510: Ensuring Correct Inbound Email Actions are Set: Troubleshooting Confirm that you are using the correct target table. For more information, see: KB0535511: Inbound Email Action Target Table Verify that it is the correct inbound action type. For more information, see: KB0535515: Inbound Email Action Type is not Matched Confirm that an inbound email action is created. For more information, see: KB0535521: Confirm appropriate inbound email action is created Determine the priority of inbound email actions, or determine if the inbound action script has issues.Determine whether any of the troubleshooting steps below are true for your environment. Each step provides a link to an article that will help you eliminate possible causes and take corrective action as necessary.Confirm that email is not being ignored. For more information, see: KB0535493: Ensuring Email is not Ignored Determine if email handling properties are correctly configured. For more information, see KB0535434: Configure Email Handling Properties: Defining How Inbound Emails are Treated. Note: If your problem still exists after trying the steps in this article, submit a case to Technical Support and note this Knowledge Base article ID (KB0538137) in the problem description. For more information, see Customer Support.