Verifying if a view rule is defining the view on a formDescriptionUse view rules to force a view under certain conditions. This is very useful when you want to streamline forms or when you want to request additional information. Each view rule specifies a table, a set of conditions, and a view. When a user views a record on the specified table and if the conditions are satisfied, then the record displays in the selected view. For more information, refer to View Management in the ServiceNow product documentation. Procedure To verify if a view rule is defining the view on a form: Navigate to System UI > View Rules.Search for and select the view rules that apply to a specific table. In the example below, there are two view rules that apply to the [change_request] table. These rules can be defining the view a form displays when certain conditions are met. Open a view rule record and review the conditions. If the conditions are met, then a view is forced on a user. In this example, if the Type field in the Change form is set to Emergency, then the user is forced to use the emergencyChange view. To verify if a view rule is causing an incorrect view to appear, temporarily deactivate the view rule. To deactivate the view rule, clear the Active check box in the View Rule form.Impersonate a user and navigate to the form to verify that the correct view appears. If an incorrect view appears, refer to Incorrect view displays on a form.