Workflows do not stop when the task SLA and the workflow context are domain separatedDescriptionBeginning with the Calgary release, wf_context (Workflow Context) is domain separated.* Task SLA takes on the domain of the incident* Workflow Context takes on the domain of the userIf Task SLA and Workflow Context are not the same, they cannot communicate and the workflow continues to run after task SLA has ended.Steps to Reproduce No steps to reproduce are available. SLA workflows not behaving as expected Workflow Context Continues Even Through SLA Clock is Paused SLA Percentage Timer False notification for incident SLA Breach email notificaiton after upgrade to Berlin Workflow still Running, Even Though END conditions have been met SLA Workflow continues to process after Task SLA is achieved wf_context table is Domain separated, causing problems in workflows WorkaroundThere are two options: Add business rules to set the domain fields on the workflow tables to be global Set the domain to be the record to which the workflow is attached Related Problem: PRB583653